Have Neck Pain? You need Lowry Chiropractic Care

Neck pain, stiffness and neck discomfort are common and frequent in adult life and we all know how debilitating they can be. In most cases, neck pain is related to unhealthy, sedentary and tech-heavy lifestyle, but injuries, such as car accidents, are also very common. Whatever the cause, though, Lowry chiropractors can achieve amazing positive results in a very short time even with neck pain that seems very stubborn. Here is what to expect if you decide to turn to a Lowry chiropractor for the pain in your neck.

The Neck Affections that Chiropractic Care Can Treat

The neck is a strong and very flexible part of the spine that is composed of multiple, small vertebrae starting at the base of the skull. The flexibility makes the neck more susceptible to injuries – here are some of the most common neck affections that manifest in the form of pain:

  • A pinched nerve – one tiny, wrong movement is enough for a nerve in the neck to get pinched;
  • Osteoarthritis – this affection takes long to develop and it might affect other areas of the musculoskeletal system as well;
  • Postural deviations resulting in muscle strains – incorrect posture can severely affect the neck;
  • Injuries;
  • Herniated disks – this problem mostly affects the neck and the lower back.

The Initial Consultation: the First Step Toward a Personalized Treatment Plan

No two patients and no two affections are ever the same, therefore your chiropractor will develop a treatment plan tailored to your affections. To be able to do that, your specialist will need to review your complete medical history, including files related to illnesses and problems other than neck problems. The reviewing of your medical documents will be followed by a detailed physical examination and you might be asked to undergo some further tests, such as lab tests or imaging tests to rule out underlying conditions that might need a different type of medical specialist.

In the next phase, your chiropractor will develop the personalized treatment plan. The plan will include regular visits to the specialist’s office and maybe homework for you as well, such as changing things in your lifestyle and diet or performing special stretching or strengthening exercises at home.

Lowry chiropractic care

How Your Chiropractor Will Treat Your Neck Pain in the Office

Your Lowry chiropractic care specialist will perform special movements to adjust the bones, muscles, tendons and ligaments in your neck and to loosen the up to improve range of motion and to ameliorate pain. The movements are performed manually and not only in the neck area – if the neck problem causes pain that radiates to other parts of the body, such as the shoulders or the arms, the chiropractor will also work to reposition these areas as well.

What Else to Expect

In some cases, chiropractors advise their patients to try other treatment solutions in conjunction with chiropractic realignment. One such solution is soft tissue massage, performed by professional masseurs trained in the special technique and a treatment that is not only beneficial, but very refreshing and energizing as well.